What to Say when You don’t Know What to Say

You’ve just found out someone has cancer, or you have just found out they have been told to call in hospice. You know the person and you can’t just ignore them and their circumstances but you don’t know exactly to say either. What do I do? Do I act as if my life is so…

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Above all else guard your heart for it affects everything you do.  Proverbs 4:23 One of the most valuable lessons I learned while going through cancer is how powerful words are that are spoken to you. Like golden apples in silver settings so is a word spoken at the right time. Or you could say…

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What is a friend?

Ask ten people and you will probably get a different definition from each person. When you start out in grade school you love to tag on the title “my best friend”. Somehow that makes your life sound so much better. At that time in your life, it usually means someone who will always play with…

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My thoughts on DNA

DNA is such an important element in life today not just in solving crimes.  We leave our DNA on everyone we come in contact with. Are we leaving it in a finger or hand print from reaching out to them and possibly getting dirty by helping them; or is it in a footprint from stepping…

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